Cloud Servers (SaaS)
Taking advantage of NFS protocol and Cloud Computing, ESLs can be managed centrally and seamlessly from anywhere, anytime.
The displayed data of an ESL is updated in a matter of seconds.

Security AES 128bits - Cipher
Alert Email/SMS OS
Capacity 100,000,000 pcs
API Open
Coverage Global
Support Android/WINDOWS/MAC OS
Unix or Linux


e-Labels (ESL)
e-labels can be controlled individually, store-wide or organisation wide (across multiple stores).
A copy of e-label data is maintained locally (ie. on the e-label itself), enabling e-labels to continue displaying their data independent of Server. Power or network failure will not prevent e-label displaying its content.
Cloud servers can be accessed through an Internet Browser on any device (PC, MAC, Mobile Phones, Tablets,...)

e-labels/ESLs in a single store or multiple stores can be controlled from a single location instantly, ensuring pricing and data consistency across many locations/stores.

AP (Access Point)
AP is the gateway providing a high speed two-way communication between e-labels and the Cloud Servers.
AP signals cover an area with a radius of 30m and a combination of multiple APs can support virtually limitless number of e-label devices.

High speed Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology is used in communication between AP (Access Points) and the e-labels.


An APP on your PDA mobile device provides the ability to modify e-label display content.

Our powerful, yet user friendly management software provides full control and monitoring capability of the entire system.
A graphical Template Editor with an easy drag & drop functionality enables easy design and implementation of e-label display layout.

e-label display content can easily be modfied as well as edited, and various product promotional activities or sales strategies be set up.



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