April 2023
Return on Investment

For a business to grow and prosper investments need to be made in various aspects and functioning of the operation. Investments in operating capital and stocks, equipment, software, staff or ongoing trainings are readily made and costs associated with them are accepted by any astute business owner or mamager since each investment made is justified by the calculated or perceived benefits returned to business over time.

Investment in acquiring and using Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) is no exception in that the cost associated with acquisition of ESLs need to be justfied before a business embarks on using this technology. Although calculations of Return on Investment (RoI) is not always easy or precise, when it comes to ESLs such a calculation would take into accounts many benefits including the following:

  • Cost Savings as a result of savings on time intensive labour required for pricing/labelling
  • Price and Information accuracy and consistency at the shelf edge
  • Increased Competitivenss by ensuring product prices are not beaten by the competition
  • Perishable Management, through the ability to quickly discount products before expiration dates
  • Enhanced customer shopping experience by providing on-demand additional and detailed information on a product

Contemplating ESLs ?!

Feel free to contact e-Label for assistance in calculating your store/business specific RoI.



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